Friday, April 13, 2007

men and laundry

Why is it that a man can be so intelligent, hard working, dedicated, etc and can't figure out how to seperate, fold, even wash the laundry? My husband has taken over that responsibility with me back to work, and the man is...well...confused. LOL He can't seperate it even with complete instructions and baskets lined along the wall for each color. He is a bright and hard working man...yet sorting colors and lifting them into the washer throw him for a loop? HMMMMMM...Is it selective? Is he faking it? I can tell you this...he better figure it out or the kids are going to school in pink uniform shirts rather than white! I just don't have time any more. All I keep thinking is: He can run a multi-million dollar franchise...train and develop a staff of 25+...even build haunted houses...but not do the laundry? Makes me go...hmmmmm.

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