Friday, April 27, 2007


I am realizing with my new position that traffic is a nightmare! I get that sometimes things get congested...especially when everyone is heading home around the same time. One has to allow that extra time to ensure everything goes smoothly and with as little stress as possible. Why is it that some people deem their commute more important? Why is it that they get to drive ahead of everyone else when they know the lane is merging and everyone has to get over? They don't merge along the way one at a time, instead they push it all the way up to the end and everyone has to slam on their brakes, causing even more delays...making the people who did wait in line have to push up extremely close to the person ahead of them in order to secure their spot in line, and potentially causing road rage and/or and accident. If they just took their turn it would go twice as fast for everyone. Sometimes, I would love to do that and get ahead also, but then that causes so much anxiety for everyone around that it is not worth it. Why the selfishness???? I just can't stand it! How about the people who drive slow in the passing lane...because they like that lane more than the others? IRRITATING as well! How about the people who cut you off in order to get where they want to go blinker, just screw you attitude and here I come, so move! It is just shocking to me that it happens every day. I actually took out more insurance on my car! It is a matter of time until there is an accident, and it will be so frustrating since I haven't ever had one. (Not counting fender benders in high school I kept hidden from my parents. LOL) I would think putting a cop at each of the congested areas of traffic in the city would ensure better commuting and less accidents. Just a thought... I would just love to see people think of one another a little more in their commute, and the ones that don't...well they should have their car poutter out for the day and be forced to wait/walk. =) Wonder if THAT would even help? Hmmm...

Friday, April 13, 2007

men and laundry

Why is it that a man can be so intelligent, hard working, dedicated, etc and can't figure out how to seperate, fold, even wash the laundry? My husband has taken over that responsibility with me back to work, and the man is...well...confused. LOL He can't seperate it even with complete instructions and baskets lined along the wall for each color. He is a bright and hard working man...yet sorting colors and lifting them into the washer throw him for a loop? HMMMMMM...Is it selective? Is he faking it? I can tell you this...he better figure it out or the kids are going to school in pink uniform shirts rather than white! I just don't have time any more. All I keep thinking is: He can run a multi-million dollar franchise...train and develop a staff of 25+...even build haunted houses...but not do the laundry? Makes me go...hmmmmm.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Next chapter in my life...

This has been quite a couple weeks for me and my family as well. I have started my new position with the firm, and am loving getting up every day. Life has so many changes coming my way, but I love them. I am so challenged by the work, and feel like I am in the right place for the first time in a long time. I have longed for that connection and have set it aside for my children. They have needed me at home, and I wanted to give them the best possible start in life. I was very blessed to have that opportunity, and will never regret doing so. I miss my Jo the most, since she and I had the least time together and she is still so young. She absolutely loves preschool, so that makes it easier. Her teacher tells me every day how bright she is, and I can see wonderful changes in her from all the socialization she is getting. She will be three in a few weeks, and she can already spell a few words, so I know she is ready for further development.

My position is fantastic. I am a litigation assistant, so each day consists of new things to do. I love that! It is never the same, and offers so much information in my field of study. Perfect! The firm also has a amazing attitude toward employees and their health, so today was health education day which included everything from cholesterol screenings to chair massages. I had it all...and wanted more!! The massage was my favorite (shocker), but all of it was great. =)

The hardest part of it all has been keeping up with laundry and school work. I am doing ok, but come exam time it will definitely be challenging. There is no way I will give up the educaton, but I sure hope I adjust to the time restraint well. There isn't enough of me to go around some days! Whew!

Speaking of time restraints...I am off to bed. Life is good, and I need some sleep so I can enjoy it tomorrow. Thanks for listening to me ramble.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

The next step...

SCORE! I went on that big interview I mentioned last blog, and I actually got a great position! Hooray! The law firm is downtown St Louis, and although I only interviewed for a part time position, they offered me a full time position and internship! Hooray! I am pretty nervous about going full time right away instead of a gradual process into daycare for the girls, but there is no way I could turn down an opportunity like this. My husband and kids are being really supportive, and I can only hope that contiues when I am gone all the time and studying a lot when home! I have always stayed home with the girls, and my husband knows how easy he has it around here (says it all the time) he is a bit worried too. He sees laundry in his future and hates it! heehee I see the Cardinal Stadium a couple blocks away and season tickets I rarely get to use...getting used!!!!! to shop for new suits and work clothes. Love it!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


What a day I have had! I have been working toward finding a legal position for about 2 weeks now. I had sent out resumes and now the phone calls are coming in. It is so exciting! I have been out of the work force for about 5 years, and was a nanny for 6 years before that. It was an exciting position, and I always thought I would eventually become a teacher...but after having three kids it just seemed to be enough of the training and devlopement...and of kids! I needed to find something more...something different to add to my life. I have thrown myself into achieving a pre-law degree, and now the next step: finding a position that can highlight my abilities and give me the right experience in the field. It is a challenging task, but exciting too. Today was day one of the interviewing, and I got two offers. Nothing amazing, but offers are good! I have a big one tomorrow. It is a firm downtown St Louis and a well known one. A number of attorneys I know said they were a great group to interview with, so I am thrilled I will get the opportunity! It is so nice to be living my life as "Susie" some of the time again...and mom or wife the other part. I don't want any of the joys of my life to be weakened, but I sure do look forward to developing my own personal identity again! Life is good today. =)

Monday, February 19, 2007


I have had to deal with the MOST annoying situations the last few weeks, and it is just driving me crazy. I have my kids attending a great school, and they love it. The only problem, the gossip there is ridiculous. Is it like this at other schools too? Parents stand out in the parking lot waiting for their kids to come running out, and meanwhile they are degrading themselves and anyone they deem necessary to discuss. It drives me crazy! Are we so bored with our own lives that we must intrude on others'? Are we so insecure that without putting others down we feel inadequate? I love hearing GOOD things about other people, and I love being updated on important things going on with one another...or offer a shoulder to those in need...but this is it for me. I avoid gossip like the plague, and it bothers me to no end to see it getting spread and feelings getting hurt all around me. I have had to stop people in mid-sentence to explain what a waste of time and how hurtful it can be. I can say, when I do that, people generally agree and back off of it for a while...or they do around me! I keep wondering, if the parents do this, what are these children learning from their parents? Yikes! I have 3 daughters, and can't imagine how much it would hurt their self-esteem to have to deal with it constantly. I know gossip will come in and out of their lives, but that doesn't mean I have to like it!! I pay all this money for a better opportunity and better moral system to be put into place for them...and this is going on right in front of them...and me.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Trash to Treasure

Friday Five got me thinking about fun jobs and such. I came across a fun idea recently and it could be a hit...if it is what I wanted to do for a living. I don't, but I like to do it for fun on occasion. (If I tell you this and you make a million doing it, flip me a few bucks, ok?)

Here is the theory behind he fun: "One person's trash is another person's treasure". I hosted a few parties with this theme, and they were so fun! Everyone who comes brings a minimum of 3 items laying around the house they never use: picture frames, decor, holiday decor, fitness equipment, books, dvd's, plants, toys, clothes, etc. The host sets up a "treasure room" for all items to go in upon arrival (I had mine decorated like a pirate ship/treasure room). Next, the host walks around with tickets giving them out for each item brought, for correct answers from quizzing guests on anything she can come up with, and for any drinks/foods they bring for the party. Once all have arrived, the host starts to pull tickets from a basket and calling 2 people into the treasure room at a time to choose an item. You should hear the excitement coming from the room!

I have hosted 2 of these, and have been asked often to host more. They take a lot of work, but people always leave with happy faces and boxes of goods! I take any and all leftovers to salvation army and drop them off. I could have had a garage sale and sold all of my stuff, but this just seemed more fun and a good way to get the things I needed. (I sent out special requests the 2nd time so people could get certain items they needed...ex: kid soccer shoes, gift bags, etc) I even had a lady bring a picture of an old couch and the lucky taker had it delivered to them the next day! They were both so happy.

So, if you have a lot of junk lying around and don't want to have a garage sale, have a "Trash to Treasure Party" of your own! It is "loads" of fun.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Here are my Friday 5:

Friday Five, inspired by Dilek:

1. Would you sacrifice your morals for a job? Never, my morals are far too strong. Have been in the potential position a few times, but realized I could never do it.

2. What is your fantasy job? One that pays me millions to work from home, in my pajamas, challenges my mind but doesn't stress me out, burns calories just thinking about it, and allows me plenty of time with my girls.

3. Would you ever take a job that requires you to be in costume? LOL My husband used to design/build haunted hired a lot of people who wore costumes....scared to death by these people often...not interested in wearing them myself.

4. Do people often ask you questions? Why or why not? How many questions would you estimate you get asked in an average day? LOL !! I am a mother of 3 and stay home with them. I get asked about a million ?'s per day. I never say there are dumb ?'s, but all silly ?'s get silly answers in this house.

5. Do you often ask questions? Why or why not? Definitely...I am a "why do you think...?" person and always have been. Drove my parents crazy!! Maybe that is why I am now having to deal with #4 now. LOL Life is too curious and amazing not to ask questions!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Never too old...

What a great weekend last weekend was! Not only did the Payton Manning finally get that ring, but my husband and I got to go out dancing and partying with some new friends. As much as I love my kids, I love finding out who I am all over again now that I am done having them! This brings me to the greatest story I have heard in a while. The friends we went out with are from our kids' school, and we don't know them very well. We were invited to come to a local bar and hear him sing with the band that he reunited with recently. On the way to the bar, she told me how that came about. For his 40th birthday a few months ago, she surprised him with his "old buddies and band equipment" set up in their basement. She thought he would feel "young again" and have a blast playing all night for the party. She was exactly right! They played all night, and when the police came to break it up and tone it down, you would have thought he won a million dollars! All of a sudden he wasn't the family provider or strict dad...just a band guy with a means of expression that got him into a little trouble. (What is it about bad boys?) After that night and lots of Thursday night practises, they played on stage again. They were fantastic and we danced all night. The bar was packed and the owner (friend of my dad's) told me they hadn't had it that busy in years, and hoped to have them back asap. I went back to my friends' house the next afternoon to pick up my car (had a designated driver--and needed it) and saw him looking a little rough...I asked if all was well? He smiled ear to ear and said, "I may be soar and feeling rough right now, but I am not too old to rock!". I cracked up all the whole way home. 40 and still kickin' it! Yeah baby.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

What a good day for my shy girl

I am a really proud parent today! My eldest daughter (8) played a great basketball game and even though they didn't win, she won something huge...confidence in herself! She has always been a very shy girl, very intelligent and friendly, but brutally shy. She plays tons of sports, mostly team oriented and this session is basketball. After weeks and weeks of great defense and little to no offense, the girls finally started making some shots last week. My daughter was the only one not to make it yet, but she is playing guard so the coach told me not to be too concerned. I certainly was concerned! She shoots at the hoop when we play horse and kicks my butt! Swish 90% of the time, but I know she gets "too embarrassed at the thought of missing in the game" I did what all good parents do...I bribed her!!! I told her for every 3 shots she attempts during the game I will do one of her chores for her. It worked! She shot 3 times last game, and even if she didn't make it, she saw there was nothing to be embarrassed about. I got to unload the dishwasher and see her gloat all week--I secretly got a kick out of it, but played the "poor mom" card all week. She LOVED it. Today was the big game...they played a team with 11 boys, and hers only had 5 show due to strep throat running rampid in her school...she shot a total of 4 times and made 3! She also made one that would be considered a 3 pointer and the crowd was on their feet she said. The first thing she did when they went for ice cream afterward was call me and tell me. I was so, so proud and she knew it. I asked her if she was glad she didn't have to do dishes, and she said, "Mom, I know why you did that, and I'll do my chores. Thanks for being so cool."

Thursday, January 25, 2007

What happened to customer service? Did I miss something in the last few years that announced that customers are not to be treated with respect and can’t expect satisfaction when returning merchandise? Are there reasons there must be such harsh return policies for items purchased?
I have three girls, and each of them received a ton of toys and clothes for Christmas. Unfortunately, my girls have grown like weeds the last month or so and all the sizes I requested ended up being too small, so I had to make a number of exchanges at local stores. We also received some duplicate gifts, so exchanges were necessary for those as well. Seems reasonable, right? I went into Target and headed straight for customer service with more than $200 in items to exchange. I had no receipts given to me with purchases, but wasn’t concerned since I had all the tags on the items and toys still in their boxes. Once I reached the counter, I was told without a receipt I could not return anything because I had made two exchanges earlier in the year (on my daughter’s birthday a month prior). I requested a manager in the hopes of some option being given to me, considering I shop there on a weekly basis for diapers, wipes, household needs, etc. When the security guard heard my request for a manager (very polite request I would like to add, after all my 2-year-old was with me), he walked over and stood next to me with his arms crossed and stared at me. I was so embarrassed! When the manager arrived, he informed me there was nothing he could do without a receipt, and I could "go ask a friend to return for me" or I was out of luck. The security guard then put in his opinion on the policy and how I should have asked the people giving gifts to get receipts for me. I quietly walked off, not responding whatsoever to their unacceptable comments. I just left absolutely furious and humiliated! I vowed to never return to that store. My husband offered to go with me the next day to another location near where we were visiting family, and I agreed, since there was so much to exchange. We walked in and explained the receipt situation again, and they asked for the names of the purchasers and once given they were able to call up the needed information and allow the exchanges. I was thrilled! I spent an additional $75 on items due to their great help and my need for diapers and such. When I got home, I decided to send an email to the company about my situation in hopes they could better educate their staff in the Edwardsville location. I received a very unfriendly response about how that store had followed the rules and the one in St Louis had not, and they wanted me to tell them where I shopped the second time. It was absolutely crazy! Here they won me back through good customer service and were now telling me it was a mistake and they should have refused me once again. I didn’t give them the requested information, but did forward a few choice words.
I went to Old Navy the next day, and fearful of what I may have to encounter there as well. I was told upon arrival that I would be mailed all store credits and could not use them that day, even for an even exchange for the exact same items in another size. I was then assured I could use the store credits online, so I was just happy to leave and be finished with it. I will say, had I gotten to exchange the clothes I would have done so plus purchased and an outfit for that night when I was going out with friends. Upon receiving the store credits via mail two weeks later, they explicitly state no online purchases could be made with them. What a nightmare!
I spent seven years of my life training and developing managers for a retail company, and I just can’t imagine allowing this type of customer service in my stores. I also can’t imagine that these stores aren’t losing regular customers like me to these horrible policy changes. Not only does this not allow the customer to get the items exchanged for a different size in the identical item due to clearance sales, but it also requires them to come back at a later time with less money and more frustration. Who feels any customer satisfaction? Who wants to return? I definitely don’t. In fact, I will absolutely request no items from those stores next year, and will pass my feelings onto others so they don’t have to experience it as well.

Monday, January 15, 2007

I ask you, do all things have to be so difficult when it comes to our kids? I have a daughter who broke her arm a few months ago showing me she could FINALLY go ALL the way across the monkey bars. She made it all the way across all right, fell and bounced up in the air off her bum and landed with her hand bent down and broke two bones. After two days of no swelling and a lot of complaining, I finally had my sister take her to the doctor because I was due at a mock trial for my pre-law class. I was so sure the doctor would assure her all was well, not xray and put a cast on her poor arm! After weeks of regret and guilt, we decided to purchase her (my little princess) a gift certificate for a manicure at a local teen spa and make an appointment for her once her cast was removed, to celebrate the accomplishment. I was instantly forgiven for my thoughtless behavior. Every week my little trooper worked on filing those nails and taking excellent care of them. This week marks the long awaited appointment, and she has been beside herself with excitement! I sent her and her sisters to my in-laws for a "sleepover" in order to celebrate my birthday at a local bar with friends, and upon returning she comes crying to me and shows me that grandpa has cut off all of her nails "because they were dirty" (evidently the male response to dirty nails is to cut them off -vs- the female response to actually bathe the child)! They are shorter than I cut my toddler's nails! The manicurist says they can't even file the edges...there are none. I have to reschedule the appointment, and wait for those beautiful nails to grow back. I just can't win...and neither can she!!

Blog Day #1

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! I am working on my writing skills and what better way to do so than to blog 250 words or so a week? I would love any comments you have, and look forward to sharing ideas with you.