Monday, February 19, 2007


I have had to deal with the MOST annoying situations the last few weeks, and it is just driving me crazy. I have my kids attending a great school, and they love it. The only problem, the gossip there is ridiculous. Is it like this at other schools too? Parents stand out in the parking lot waiting for their kids to come running out, and meanwhile they are degrading themselves and anyone they deem necessary to discuss. It drives me crazy! Are we so bored with our own lives that we must intrude on others'? Are we so insecure that without putting others down we feel inadequate? I love hearing GOOD things about other people, and I love being updated on important things going on with one another...or offer a shoulder to those in need...but this is it for me. I avoid gossip like the plague, and it bothers me to no end to see it getting spread and feelings getting hurt all around me. I have had to stop people in mid-sentence to explain what a waste of time and how hurtful it can be. I can say, when I do that, people generally agree and back off of it for a while...or they do around me! I keep wondering, if the parents do this, what are these children learning from their parents? Yikes! I have 3 daughters, and can't imagine how much it would hurt their self-esteem to have to deal with it constantly. I know gossip will come in and out of their lives, but that doesn't mean I have to like it!! I pay all this money for a better opportunity and better moral system to be put into place for them...and this is going on right in front of them...and me.

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