Thursday, February 8, 2007

Never too old...

What a great weekend last weekend was! Not only did the Payton Manning finally get that ring, but my husband and I got to go out dancing and partying with some new friends. As much as I love my kids, I love finding out who I am all over again now that I am done having them! This brings me to the greatest story I have heard in a while. The friends we went out with are from our kids' school, and we don't know them very well. We were invited to come to a local bar and hear him sing with the band that he reunited with recently. On the way to the bar, she told me how that came about. For his 40th birthday a few months ago, she surprised him with his "old buddies and band equipment" set up in their basement. She thought he would feel "young again" and have a blast playing all night for the party. She was exactly right! They played all night, and when the police came to break it up and tone it down, you would have thought he won a million dollars! All of a sudden he wasn't the family provider or strict dad...just a band guy with a means of expression that got him into a little trouble. (What is it about bad boys?) After that night and lots of Thursday night practises, they played on stage again. They were fantastic and we danced all night. The bar was packed and the owner (friend of my dad's) told me they hadn't had it that busy in years, and hoped to have them back asap. I went back to my friends' house the next afternoon to pick up my car (had a designated driver--and needed it) and saw him looking a little rough...I asked if all was well? He smiled ear to ear and said, "I may be soar and feeling rough right now, but I am not too old to rock!". I cracked up all the whole way home. 40 and still kickin' it! Yeah baby.


Just me said...

Sounds like you had a great time this weekend. I'de bet you have a terrific husband and great freinds.

Susie said...

I did have fun, "JUST ME". I have great friends and a pain in the neck husband. LOL DOn't tell him I said that.

Jennifer's Thoughts said...

When I read your story, I just had to sit back and smile. There are so many "old men" that I know that are just like that. It is so cool to see them go back to their younger years and "be young" again, even if it does mean a sore back and aching muscles that you didn't even know you had. My hubby is the same way. AS for the wife, that was truely a GREAT idea. How id she ever going to top that? He owes her BIG and Valentines Day is coming up soon.